Last month, the world’s best-known medical journal, The Lancet, published a study by Mumbai’s Tata Memorial Hospital (TMH) and the Centre for Global Health Research about how cancer single-handedly kills six lakh Indians every year.

Termed as the Million Death Study (MDS), some of the findings were not just startling in terms of numbers but also eye-opening in terms of new cancer trends emerging in the country.

While the majority of cancer deaths in the rest of the world occurred in people above the age of 70, most of those hit in India were in the 30-60 age bracket. This pointed to how India’s new urban lifestyle: sedentary, with poor eating habits and lack of physical activity, was starting to take a toll.

“Though tobacco is still the largest killer,” Director of Tata Memorial Hospital Dr Rajendra Badwe told Mirror, “the day is not far when cancers caused by a bad lifestyle will catch up and overtake it.”

Badwe described the cancer scenario as tragicomic. Though there is still no definitive answer on what process in the human body actually causes the disease, he said that at least 70 per cent of all cancers could be easily prevented.
“They can be wiped out by quitting tobacco, healthy eating, and doing some exercise,” he said. “Everyone has to die eventually. The loss is greater when someone dies young, and this is where cancer is hitting us hard.”

The head of TMH’s digestive diseases and clinical nutrition department, Dr Mohandas Mallath, said the first problem was that the Indian-on-the-go ate too many calories. “We consume calorie-dense snacks between meals. We hardly consume any vegetables, and since we do almost no exercise, the calories remain in the body. These, in turn, make us prone to several lifestyle-related cancers,” he said.

In a review paper on ‘Dietary Prevention of Cancer’, Mallath has written about how excessive body fat and the deficiency of protective nutrients cause up to 30 per cent of cancers such as breast, thyroid, kidney, uterus, oesophagus, colon, rectum, pancreas, and gall bladder.

The World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF), a conglomeration of charity bodies in the UK that works towards preventing cancer, estimates that 30-40 per cent of cancers — or three to four million new cases every year — can be prevented by appropriate food and nutrition, regular physical activity and avoiding obesity.

Keeping these figures in mind, and with the link between cancer and lifestyle now well established, here is a 10-point plan that doctors recommend must be followed:

  1.  Limit calorie intake 

Consumption of energy-dense foods loaded with calories, sugar and fat is contributing to an obesity epidemic, which in turn, leads to cancer.
“In urban India, our meals largely consist of polished rice, packaged foods with preservatives, and crispy fried food,” said Mallath. “This makes what we eat on any given day extremely calorie-heavy with few nutrients.”

Add to these sugary juices, aerated drinks, sports drinks, and the problem increases manifold. Fresh natural fruit juices, he said, were a much better alternative.

In his review paper on the subject, Mallath has written that the genesis of the problem lies in a very basic Indian notion that a ‘chubby child is a healthy child’. In reality, he wrote, overweight children are more likely to be obese later in adulthood, and consequently, become more prone to developing one of the lifestyle cancers.

“Processed foods have replaced the traditional whole-grain and cereal- based weaning foods,” he said, referring to how traditional grocery shops are fast making way for supermarkets which stock more of processed food. “Eating fresh solves half the problems but it’s becoming less due to factors such as convenience and aggressive marketing.”

  2.  Eat vegetables, fruits, whole grains 

A report compiled by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) followed globally talks about how plant-based diets, which are high in natural nutrients, could reduce cancer risk drastically.

The report stresses on eating more vegetables, legumes, pulses and fruits contain vitamins, minerals and fibre. It recommends using whole grains (for bread and rotis) as opposed to the normal processed flour.

Several experts in the medical fraternity also recommend the consumption of phytochemicals, or non-nutritive plant chemicals. Some of the known phytochemicals are found in fruits (flavanoids), tomatoes (lycopene), and soy (isoflavones).

  3.  Limit intake of red meat 

Though red meats are good sources of protein, vitamins and minerals, they are also major contributors to total fat, saturated fat and cholesterol. “Excessive meat consumption has been directly linked with an increased risk of colorectal cancer.

Eating meat in moderation and cooking it in less oil makes a big difference,” said Dr Sanjay Sharma, who is attached to the SL Raheja Hospital in Mahim.

A study done on colon cancer survivors found that a high meat-and-dairy diet, when coupled with limited plant-based food, increased the risk of recurrence by 3.25 times.

  4.  Modify the Indian style of cooking 

Traditional Indian cooking involves heating up oil to a very high temperature and then adding spices to it. This, doctors said, produces a high quantity of saturated fats, which lead to cancers of the breast and small intestine.
Sharma said global statistics showed that the occurrence of cancer was extremely low in countries where olive oil, instead of refined oil, was used as the main cooking medium.

“In Italy, for example, even though their food mainly revolves around cheese, the use of olive oil is mainly in raw form. Even if they’re cooking, the oil is warm instead of hot,” Sharma said. “This fact alone has a huge impact on their cancer numbers.”

Dr Tejinder Singh, a medical oncologist at Fortis Hospital, said that deep-frying food or cooking it at a very high temperature produces acrylamides, a mutagen that is seen as a probable human carcinogen.

The best way to cook, according to Singh, is steaming food and adding small amounts of water until it became tender.

  5.  Use Indian spices 

Several food ingredients used commonly in India are known for their immunity-boosting and cancer-fighting properties.

Spices such as garlic, ginger, basil and coriander are encouraged, and food seasoned with turmeric and onion prevents stomach cancers. Rosemary is known to prevent carcinogens from binding and causing tumourous growths.

  6.  Limit alcohol consumption 

The World Health Organisation (WHO) recently declared alcohol as the largest known cancer-causing product sold without any warnings signs. Drinking heavily causes cancers of the pharynx, larynx, oesophagus, liver and mouth.

The risk of getting these cancers increases twice with two large pegs per day, and goes up exponentially as alcohol intake increases.

What was worrisome, doctors said, is that alcohol enjoys a status of social acceptance in India, like tobacco did 10 years ago. Recent estimates suggested that world-wide 3.6 per cent of all cancers, and 3.5 per cent of all cancer deaths, were due to alcohol consumption.

The recommendation from most doctors is that men should limit their alcoholic drinks to not more than two measures per day, and women to not more than one a day.

  7.  Keep Body Mass Index (BMI) in check 

A simple BMI calculation is dividing your weight in kilograFms with the square of your height in metres. The ideal result should be between 18-25. The 25-30 range is categorised as ‘overweight’ and above 30 as ‘obese’.

Several studies across the world link excess body weight to cancers of the kidney, endometrium, pancreas, breast, thyroid and gall-bladder. In simple terms, fat tissues produce excessive amount of the hormone estrogen, which can lead to several canacers.
“Other than that, people suffering from obesity have increased levels of insulin and insulin-like growths in their blood, which promote the development of certain tumours,” Singh said. Fat cells produce a hormone called Adipokines, which may stimulate or inhibit cell growth, and a hormone called Leptin, which is known to promote cell proliferation.

More belly fat, or a larger waistline, is seen to have a direct link with heightened risk of endometrial cancer in women. Global statistics show that stomach cancer are on the decline in several regions,  including India.  But there has been a marginal rise in the incidence of cancers in the caldia, which is a part of the stomach. Some studies link this with obesity.

  8.  Exercise regularly, even if thin 

There an a undeniable, universally accepted, inversely proportional relationship between physical activity and cancer risk. “Being active influences the development of cancer in multiple ways. It protects against tumour development through energy balance, hormone metabolism, insulin regulation and by decreasing the time an organ is exposed to potential carcinogens,” said Singh.

According to him, physical activity alters a number of inflammatory and immune factors in the body. “For example, tumour development in the breast can be prevented by lowering the hormone levels, improving immune response, and assisting with weight maintenance.”

But exercise doesn’t only help those who are perennially fighting a losing battle with body weight. Even people who are thin, and have a naturally high metabolic rate, must spend some time exercising in order to stem the growth of cancer.

According to a UICC report, the general guidelines for physical activity for adults is 30 or more minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity per day. A longer session, it says, it even better. For children, the recommended routine is at least an hour. Fair warning: this does not include time spent on video games.

  9.  Beat stress to beat cancer 

Several studies over the last 30 years have examined the relationship between psychological factors, especially stress, and the risk of cancer.

Though not all of them have indicated a direct link, stress often leads to obesity, heart disease and depression, and to over-eating, smoking, drugs and excessive drinking, all of which increase the risk of cancer.

A recent research conducted on animal models suggested that the body’s neuroendocrine response (release of hormones into the blood in response to stimulation of the nervous system) can directly alter important processes which would have normally protected against the formation of cancer. These include DNA repair and regulation of cell growth. “The writing on the wall is always remain happy,” Singh said

  10.  Have regular check-ups 

Doctors say the single largest problem with cancer detection is how so many cases come to them late, when not too much can be done to help the patient. The biggest reason for this is that there are no clear symptoms, and many are easily brushed aside as other, smaller ailments.

They warn that any irregular feeling over an extended period of time, ranging for dull pain to breathlessness, calls for an immediate examination. In certain cases, especially breast cancer, they suggest that simple self-examinations be carried out regularly.

The increasing numbers of breast cancer cases in India have brought into focus the efficacy of Mammography, the only screening recommended in the country. “How effective a mammogram is depends on fat content, which often makes it difficult to pick up a tumour,” said Dr Vinay Deshmane, a consultant in the surgical oncology and breast disease department at PD Hinduja Hospital.

“The number of women coming to us for a mammogram has gone up considerably. They’re mostly from the higher socio-economic background and come for tests after one of their family members, friends or colleagues has been diagnosed with a lump,” Deshmane said.

 “Sometimes it’s too late by the time they reach us because they didn’t realise the problem existed until someone close to them was asked to undergo treatment. Regular self-examination gives us a better chance of helping them.”

•    Six lakh Indians die of cancer every year
•    Most cancer deaths in India in 30-60 age bracket
•    Sedentary lifestyle, poor eating habits taking a toll

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Last month, the world’s best-known medical journal, The Lancet, published a study by Mumbai’s Tata Memorial Hospital (TMH) and the Centre for Global Health Research about how cancer single-handedly kills six lakh Indians every year.

Termed as the Million Death Study (MDS), some of the findings were not just startling in terms of numbers but also eye-opening in terms of new cancer trends emerging in the country.

While the majority of cancer deaths in the rest of the world occurred in people above the age of 70, most of those hit in India were in the 30-60 age bracket. This pointed to how India’s new urban lifestyle: sedentary, with poor eating habits and lack of physical activity, was starting to take a toll.

“Though tobacco is still the largest killer,” Director of Tata Memorial Hospital Dr Rajendra Badwe told Mirror, “the day is not far when cancers caused by a bad lifestyle will catch up and overtake it.”

Badwe described the cancer scenario as tragicomic. Though there is still no definitive answer on what process in the human body actually causes the disease, he said that at least 70 per cent of all cancers could be easily prevented.
“They can be wiped out by quitting tobacco, healthy eating, and doing some exercise,” he said. “Everyone has to die eventually. The loss is greater when someone dies young, and this is where cancer is hitting us hard.”

The head of TMH’s digestive diseases and clinical nutrition department, Dr Mohandas Mallath, said the first problem was that the Indian-on-the-go ate too many calories. “We consume calorie-dense snacks between meals. We hardly consume any vegetables, and since we do almost no exercise, the calories remain in the body. These, in turn, make us prone to several lifestyle-related cancers,” he said.

In a review paper on ‘Dietary Prevention of Cancer’, Mallath has written about how excessive body fat and the deficiency of protective nutrients cause up to 30 per cent of cancers such as breast, thyroid, kidney, uterus, oesophagus, colon, rectum, pancreas, and gall bladder.

The World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF), a conglomeration of charity bodies in the UK that works towards preventing cancer, estimates that 30-40 per cent of cancers — or three to four million new cases every year — can be prevented by appropriate food and nutrition, regular physical activity and avoiding obesity.

Keeping these figures in mind, and with the link between cancer and lifestyle now well established, here is a 10-point plan that doctors recommend must be followed:

  1.  Limit calorie intake 

Consumption of energy-dense foods loaded with calories, sugar and fat is contributing to an obesity epidemic, which in turn, leads to cancer.
“In urban India, our meals largely consist of polished rice, packaged foods with preservatives, and crispy fried food,” said Mallath. “This makes what we eat on any given day extremely calorie-heavy with few nutrients.”

Add to these sugary juices, aerated drinks, sports drinks, and the problem increases manifold. Fresh natural fruit juices, he said, were a much better alternative.

In his review paper on the subject, Mallath has written that the genesis of the problem lies in a very basic Indian notion that a ‘chubby child is a healthy child’. In reality, he wrote, overweight children are more likely to be obese later in adulthood, and consequently, become more prone to developing one of the lifestyle cancers.

“Processed foods have replaced the traditional whole-grain and cereal- based weaning foods,” he said, referring to how traditional grocery shops are fast making way for supermarkets which stock more of processed food. “Eating fresh solves half the problems but it’s becoming less due to factors such as convenience and aggressive marketing.”

  2.  Eat vegetables, fruits, whole grains 

A report compiled by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) followed globally talks about how plant-based diets, which are high in natural nutrients, could reduce cancer risk drastically.

The report stresses on eating more vegetables, legumes, pulses and fruits contain vitamins, minerals and fibre. It recommends using whole grains (for bread and rotis) as opposed to the normal processed flour.

Several experts in the medical fraternity also recommend the consumption of phytochemicals, or non-nutritive plant chemicals. Some of the known phytochemicals are found in fruits (flavanoids), tomatoes (lycopene), and soy (isoflavones).

  3.  Limit intake of red meat 

Though red meats are good sources of protein, vitamins and minerals, they are also major contributors to total fat, saturated fat and cholesterol. “Excessive meat consumption has been directly linked with an increased risk of colorectal cancer.

Eating meat in moderation and cooking it in less oil makes a big difference,” said Dr Sanjay Sharma, who is attached to the SL Raheja Hospital in Mahim.

A study done on colon cancer survivors found that a high meat-and-dairy diet, when coupled with limited plant-based food, increased the risk of recurrence by 3.25 times.

  4.  Modify the Indian style of cooking 

Traditional Indian cooking involves heating up oil to a very high temperature and then adding spices to it. This, doctors said, produces a high quantity of saturated fats, which lead to cancers of the breast and small intestine.
Sharma said global statistics showed that the occurrence of cancer was extremely low in countries where olive oil, instead of refined oil, was used as the main cooking medium.

“In Italy, for example, even though their food mainly revolves around cheese, the use of olive oil is mainly in raw form. Even if they’re cooking, the oil is warm instead of hot,” Sharma said. “This fact alone has a huge impact on their cancer numbers.”

Dr Tejinder Singh, a medical oncologist at Fortis Hospital, said that deep-frying food or cooking it at a very high temperature produces acrylamides, a mutagen that is seen as a probable human carcinogen.

The best way to cook, according to Singh, is steaming food and adding small amounts of water until it became tender.

  5.  Use Indian spices 

Several food ingredients used commonly in India are known for their immunity-boosting and cancer-fighting properties.

Spices such as garlic, ginger, basil and coriander are encouraged, and food seasoned with turmeric and onion prevents stomach cancers. Rosemary is known to prevent carcinogens from binding and causing tumourous growths.

  6.  Limit alcohol consumption 

The World Health Organisation (WHO) recently declared alcohol as the largest known cancer-causing product sold without any warnings signs. Drinking heavily causes cancers of the pharynx, larynx, oesophagus, liver and mouth.

The risk of getting these cancers increases twice with two large pegs per day, and goes up exponentially as alcohol intake increases.

What was worrisome, doctors said, is that alcohol enjoys a status of social acceptance in India, like tobacco did 10 years ago. Recent estimates suggested that world-wide 3.6 per cent of all cancers, and 3.5 per cent of all cancer deaths, were due to alcohol consumption.

The recommendation from most doctors is that men should limit their alcoholic drinks to not more than two measures per day, and women to not more than one a day.

  7.  Keep Body Mass Index (BMI) in check 

A simple BMI calculation is dividing your weight in kilograFms with the square of your height in metres. The ideal result should be between 18-25. The 25-30 range is categorised as ‘overweight’ and above 30 as ‘obese’.

Several studies across the world link excess body weight to cancers of the kidney, endometrium, pancreas, breast, thyroid and gall-bladder. In simple terms, fat tissues produce excessive amount of the hormone estrogen, which can lead to several canacers.
“Other than that, people suffering from obesity have increased levels of insulin and insulin-like growths in their blood, which promote the development of certain tumours,” Singh said. Fat cells produce a hormone called Adipokines, which may stimulate or inhibit cell growth, and a hormone called Leptin, which is known to promote cell proliferation.

More belly fat, or a larger waistline, is seen to have a direct link with heightened risk of endometrial cancer in women. Global statistics show that stomach cancer are on the decline in several regions,  including India.  But there has been a marginal rise in the incidence of cancers in the caldia, which is a part of the stomach. Some studies link this with obesity.

  8.  Exercise regularly, even if thin 

There an a undeniable, universally accepted, inversely proportional relationship between physical activity and cancer risk. “Being active influences the development of cancer in multiple ways. It protects against tumour development through energy balance, hormone metabolism, insulin regulation and by decreasing the time an organ is exposed to potential carcinogens,” said Singh.

According to him, physical activity alters a number of inflammatory and immune factors in the body. “For example, tumour development in the breast can be prevented by lowering the hormone levels, improving immune response, and assisting with weight maintenance.”

But exercise doesn’t only help those who are perennially fighting a losing battle with body weight. Even people who are thin, and have a naturally high metabolic rate, must spend some time exercising in order to stem the growth of cancer.

According to a UICC report, the general guidelines for physical activity for adults is 30 or more minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity per day. A longer session, it says, it even better. For children, the recommended routine is at least an hour. Fair warning: this does not include time spent on video games.

  9.  Beat stress to beat cancer 

Several studies over the last 30 years have examined the relationship between psychological factors, especially stress, and the risk of cancer.

Though not all of them have indicated a direct link, stress often leads to obesity, heart disease and depression, and to over-eating, smoking, drugs and excessive drinking, all of which increase the risk of cancer.

A recent research conducted on animal models suggested that the body’s neuroendocrine response (release of hormones into the blood in response to stimulation of the nervous system) can directly alter important processes which would have normally protected against the formation of cancer. These include DNA repair and regulation of cell growth. “The writing on the wall is always remain happy,” Singh said

  10.  Have regular check-ups 

Doctors say the single largest problem with cancer detection is how so many cases come to them late, when not too much can be done to help the patient. The biggest reason for this is that there are no clear symptoms, and many are easily brushed aside as other, smaller ailments.

They warn that any irregular feeling over an extended period of time, ranging for dull pain to breathlessness, calls for an immediate examination. In certain cases, especially breast cancer, they suggest that simple self-examinations be carried out regularly.

The increasing numbers of breast cancer cases in India have brought into focus the efficacy of Mammography, the only screening recommended in the country. “How effective a mammogram is depends on fat content, which often makes it difficult to pick up a tumour,” said Dr Vinay Deshmane, a consultant in the surgical oncology and breast disease department at PD Hinduja Hospital.

“The number of women coming to us for a mammogram has gone up considerably. They’re mostly from the higher socio-economic background and come for tests after one of their family members, friends or colleagues has been diagnosed with a lump,” Deshmane said.

 “Sometimes it’s too late by the time they reach us because they didn’t realise the problem existed until someone close to them was asked to undergo treatment. Regular self-examination gives us a better chance of helping them.”

•    Six lakh Indians die of cancer every year
•    Most cancer deaths in India in 30-60 age bracket
•    Sedentary lifestyle, poor eating habits taking a toll

Get consultation :


Posted by: fortishospitals | October 11, 2011

Fortis Hospitals is now Fortis Healthcare.


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Posted by: fortishospitals | September 27, 2011

Bariatric Surgery : Weight Loss Surgery : How does it work?

Bariatric surgery may seem like a boon to a lot of overweight people but there are some things you must keep in mind before going under the knife.

Recently, BJP President Nitin Gadkari who was suffering from Type II diabetes went in for gastric bypass surgery, a type of bariatric surgery, which helped control his sugar levels.

If you’re one of those who’s tried everything from dieting to gymming to power yoga and still can’t seem to lose those extra pounds, you might want to consider bariatric surgery before things get more serious.
What is this surgery all about you ask? We spoke to a few doctors from reputed hospitals all over India to tell us more about this weight loss surgery. Here are a few things you must know.

How does it work?

Bariatric surgery is a weight loss surgery performed on people who are considered to be obese. The idea behind it is to reduce the capacity of the stomach so that the patient feels easily full after consuming small meals leading to weight loss.

“There are quite a few procedures under bariatric surgery. The 3 common ones are Gastric banding, Gastric sleeve and Gastric bypass.

Gastric banding is when a silicon band is placed on the upper part of the stomach making a small pouch. This restricts the size of the stomach opening and thereby reduces food intake.

In Gastric sleeve, 80 per cent of the stomach is removed and the new tiny stomach absorbs the nutrients.

Gastric bypass on the other hand involves making a small pouch of the stomach and connecting it to the small intestine.

Around 250 cms is bypassed which doesn’t allow 100% absorption of the food,” says Dr Rajesh Khullar, Senior Consultant, Minimal Access, Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery at Max Healthcare, Delhi.

Many people tend to get confused between bariatric surgery and liposuction. Liposuction is a a cosmetic surgery is merely for fat loss as opposed to bariatric surgery which results in sustainable weight loss.

Posted by: fortishospitals | August 5, 2011

Enlarged heart (cardiomegaly) : Causes, Symptoms, Tests & Diagnosis.







The term “cardiomegaly” most commonly refers to an enlarged heart seen on chest X-ray before other tests are performed to diagnose the specific condition causing your cardiomegaly. You may develop an enlarged heart temporarily because of a stress on your body, such as pregnancy, or … to learn more ….

When you have diabetes, excess sugar (glucose) builds up in your blood. Mainly kidneys are forced to work overtime to filter and absorb the excess sugar. If kidneys can’t keep up, the excess sugar is excreted into urine along with fluids drawn from the tissues. This triggers more frequent urination, which may leave to dehydration. As diabetic patients drink more fluids to quench their thirst, they will urinate even more.

Most persons think of diabetes as a disease of high blood sugar, but for many persons it is associated with high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Controlling all of these factors is important to reduce the risk of developing the major complications of diabetes, and the symptoms are blindness, foot disease, kidney failure, heart attack, and stroke. Infact , the major cause of disability and death in diabetes is heart disease and stroke. For many persons with diabetes, controlling blood pressure and cholesterol, taking aspirin, and not smoking are the most important steps that they can take.

In type 2 symptoms sugar level increases in the blood where as in type 1 sugar level is decreased in the blood. To cure diabetes mainly diabetes diet and physical activities like exercise should be done regularly. If they are not sure about becoming active or boosting their level of physical activity like brisk walking their diabetic symptoms may increase.

Cardiac events, such as a heart attack, are rare during physical activity. But the risk does go up when the diabetic patients suddenly become much more active than usual. Physical activity is important to start slowly and gradually increase the level of activity.

Walk up to 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity, 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity, or an equivalent mix of the two each week. Strong scientific evidence shows that physical activity can help you  to maintain weight over time. However, the exact amount of physical activity needed to do this is not clear since it varies greatly from person to person. It’s possible that you may need to do more than the equivalent of 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity a week to maintain weight.

  •  Physically active people have a lower risk of colon cancer than do people who are not active.
  • Physically active women have a lower risk of breast cancer than do people who are not active.

Regular physical activity can help to increase thinking, learning, and judgment skills sharp as you age. It can also reduce the  risk of depression and may help you sleep better. Research has shown that doing aerobic or a mix of aerobic and muscle-strengthening activities 3 to 5 times a week for 30 to 60 minutes can give you these mental health benefits. Some scientific evidence has also shown that even lower levels of physical activity can be beneficial.

A healthy diet is to eat special foods, but instead simply emphasize vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. A diabetes diet is simply a healthy eating plan that is high in nutrients, low in fat, and moderate in calories. It is a healthy diet for anyone!

Posted by: fortishospitals | July 20, 2011

New Device Turns Your Mobile Phone Into a Heart Monitor.

src : dailymail.

Scientists have designed a remarkable new gadget which turns a mobile phone into a powerful medical tool able to detect heart problems.

The ‘Smartheart’ connects to the trendy smartphone and converts it into a hospital grade heart monitor capable of performing electrocardiograms in just 30 seconds.

The device hooks around the user’s chest and records their heart rate by measuring its electro-activity.

Cheap and effective: The Smartheart app in progress on a phone

Smartheart connects to an iPhone, BlackBerry, or Android device via Bluetooth, allowing the user to view an ECG in detail, and email it to their doctor.

Instead of a traditional ECG, which uses several monitors stuck to the body, Smartheart has just one and the scan is completed in 30 seconds.

You can then view the ECG in detail and email it to your doctor. If it identifies an irregular or abnormal heart condition it will send you an alert.

The gadget has been welcomed by heart experts.

Device: The Smartheart monitor which attaches to a mobile phone

Consultant congenital cardiologist at Southampton Hospital Dr Joseph Vettukattil said:

‘This device is a major breakthrough and could save lives.

‘One of the biggest problems with detecting heart conditions is that their symptoms happen when the sufferer is at home.

‘By the time they get to the doctor they have stopped. With this device however it will be easy to take a recording which can then be analysed by a doctor.

‘It could be especially helpful with diagnosing children. Younger ones experience a higher rate of palpitations and as nearly all children have a mobile it will be easy for them to record.

‘This has the potential to be very exciting for detecting and treating heart problems.’

A spokesman for Telemedicine, which makes the device, said: ‘This will transform phones into a fully functioning hospital-grade heart monitor.

‘Smartheart addresses the most crucial factor related to heart attacks – time. Within 30 seconds, anyone can record a scan and have it transmitted to their doctor.

‘It can be used anywhere, by anyone, and is a real breakthrough in technology.’

Posted by: fortishospitals | July 11, 2011

Healthy Cancer Remedies That Are Right In Your Home

Although there is no cure for cancer, use the below to both fight and prevent it without ever leaving your home.

1. Legumes : Use this hearty vegetable as a meat substance to get the protein benefits without the price. You can also use beans, lentils, and the like as well.

2. Soy : This substitute also has the same benefits as the above. Varieties such as tofu and miso also contain cancer combating nutrients called phytochemicals.

3. Tomatoes : Because they contain high levels of lycopene, they can reduce risk of cancer. Try a tomato paste or sauce to get the most amounts.

4. Fish : Healthy varieties such as wild salmon, tuna, and halibut contain many cancer fighting substances such as oil. They also contain cancer fighting selenium that can be dangerous as a supplement but useful in fish.

5. Orange Juice : Containing high levels of folate and Vitamin C, it can help combat cancer. Be sure and get a healthy variety that isn’t overloaded with sugar.

6. Curcumin : This spice is also part of the turmeric family. Sprinkle a little into your next dish to enjoy it’s cancer fighting and anti inflammatory aspects.

7. Walnuts : The antioxidants and oils in these nuts can help prevent or stave off cancer. You can also substitute pistachio, pecan, and other nuts for similar benefits.

8. Cauliflower : Along with broccoli, this vegetable helps create sulforaphane in the body to protect healthy cells from cancerous ones. It is also recommended to grow it in your own home.

9. Sunshine : Get your dose of Vitamin D right from your home with this simple remedy. Simply expose at least 40% of your body to ten minutes of natural sunlight to get it.

10. Tea : Containing nutrients called kaempferol, a cup or four of tea a day can help combat cancer. To find out which kind are the best, see the below.

Posted by: fortishospitals | June 28, 2011

Fortis Healthcare Completes 10 magnificent years…

Fortis Healthcare (India) Limited – India’s fastest growing hospital chain has successfully completed 10 glorious years of service in the corporate healthcare industry. Starting with one hospital in Mohali in 2001, the group currently boasts a total strength of 8500 beds and 58 multi specialty hospitals with state -of-the-art-technology across the globe. The hospital has also seen significant revenue growth over the past 10 years. The group has made noteworthy contribution towards integrated healthcare delivery through its dedicated medical professionals and commitment to impeccable service.

Over the past decade Fortis Healthcare (India) has made strategic international and local acquisitions to strengthen its network and increase accessibility to quality healthcare. Starting with Mohali, the group established a Pan India presence by acquiring the multi specialty Malar Hospital in Chennai as well as Escorts and Wockhardt chain of hospitals dispersed across the country. Since the establishment of Fortis Global in 2010, the group continues expansion into countries like Singapore, Hong Kong and Australia which has helped increase footprints across the globe.

img src mayo

Treadmill, stress echocardiography, Thallium and Angiography do not detect early blockages. Treadmill can miss blockages up to 70 percent; stress echocardiography up to 60percent, angiography up to 40 percent. Most heart attacks occur because of a plaque rupture in patients with blockages of less than 50percent. If the blockage is more than 70percent the patient usually presents with heart pain and not massive heart attack.

The only way to detect heart blockages before they cause symptoms or are detected in conventional tests is to measure the wall thickness of the neck artery or the leg artery. Normally, the wall thickness is less than 0.5mm. If the wall thickness is more than 0.75mm, it is suggestive of underlying heart blockages and if it is more than 1mm, it is suggestive of blockages in all three arteries of the heart. Any thickness of more than 1mm is called as a plaque and a plaque area calculated by high resolution ultrasound is a new marker for heart blockages, progression as well as regression. If the artery wall is thick in both the neck artery and the leg artery, it is very likely that the patient will also have blockages in the arteries of the heart.

All high risk individuals, therefore, should have their neck and leg artery wall thickness check-up done. Only 2percent of patients with blockages in all three arteries of the heart have a neck artery wall thickness of less than 1mm and 94 percent of patients with a neck artery wall thickness of more than 1.15mm will have multiple blockages in the heart. Most heart blockages are inflicted in adolescence and early adult age. There is enough data to suggest that thickening of the neck artery starts in high risk children and very young people.

Plaque formation usually occurs after the age of 35. Therefore, before the age of 35, a leg artery wall thickness is the only test to know future chances of heart attack and paralysis. With the availability of advanced software, most advanced cardiac centres in Delhi with high resolution echocardiography machine can do this test. Women with chest pain and normal neck artery morphology may not need angiography and a neck artery wall thickness test of less than 0.55mm is also a predictor of patient’s significant blockages in the heart. A plaque thickness of more than 1.5mm is associated with family history of premature cardiac deaths.

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